Nobilis® REO 1133
Nobilis® Reo 1133 is an attenuated live freeze-dried vaccine against avian reovirus infection.
Nobilis® Reo 1133 is an attenuated live freeze-dried vaccine against avian reovirus infection.
Nobilis CAV P4 is an attenuated live freeze-dried vaccine against chicken anemia.
Nobilis® Ma5 is a live, freeze-dried Sphereon vaccine against Infectious Bronchitis in chicken.
A live, freeze-dried vaccine for the active immunization of healthy layers as an aid in the control
of Salmonella gallinarum (Fowl Typhoid)
Innovax™ – ND is a frozen, cell associated live virus vaccine that contains the recombinant
serotype 3 HVT/NDV-F strain contains the fusion (F) genes from NDV.
Innovax-ND-IBD is a frozen, cell associated, live virus vaccine that contains the recombinant
serotype 3 HVT with genes from NDV and IBDV. The vaccine can be used to stimulate active
immunity against MD, ND and IBD.
Inactivated vaccine for immunization of Dogs against Leptospira canicola, icterohaemorrhagiae, australis and grippotyphosa.
Lyophilized live vaccine for immunization of cats againsts Feline calicivirus, Feline rhinotracheitis virus and Feline panleucopenia virus.
Combined inactivated vaccine for immunization of Dogs against Rabies and Leptospira canicola & icterohaemorrhagiae.
Inactivated vaccine for immunization of Dogs, cats, cattle, sheep, goats, ferrets, foxes and horses (and in principle all healthy mammals) against Rabies for both prophylactic & post bite therapy.