Nobilis® IB Ma5

Live, freeze dried vaccine for immunization of poultry against Infectious Bronchitis.
Nobilis® IB Ma5 is a live, freeze dried vaccine against Infectious Bronchitis of Poultry.
Each dose contains at least 3.0 log10 EID50 per bird dose of Live Avian Infectious Bronchitis virus strain Ma5, in a stabilizer.
Vaccine can be administered by Spray method, Intranasal / intraocular instillation or via drinking water.
Vaccination Programme:
The optimum time and method of administration depend largely upon the local situation. Therefore, the advice of the veterinarian should be sought. The vaccine is safe to use from 1 day of age onwards (Please refer product leaflet for more information).
Storage conditions:
Store at 20C to 80C
Boxes with vials each containing 1000, 2500, 5000 doses.