Nobilis® AE+POX
Live vaccine for active immunization of layer replacement pullets, and of breeder replacement pullets and turkeys against AE and Fowl Pox.
Live vaccine for active immunization of layer replacement pullets, and of breeder replacement pullets and turkeys against AE and Fowl Pox.
Each vial contains per dose at least 2.5 log10 EID50 of live avian encephalomyelitis virus strain 1143 (Calnek) and at least 2.8 log10 EID50 of live fowl pox virus strain Gibbs grown on SPF chicken eggs. The vaccine pellet contains stabilizers and gentamycin sulphate.
For active immunization of layer replacement pullets, and of breeder replacement pullets and turkeys against AE and Fowl Pox. Vaccinated birds are protected against egg drop due to these diseases during lay, and the progeny of vaccinated birds are protected against AE for the first few weeks of life via maternally transmitted immunity.
Apply the vaccine to the web of the wing using the supplied applicator.
Vaccination Programme:
Chickens should be vaccinated between 8 to 16 weeks of age. Turkeys should be vaccinated between 18 to 26 weeks of age (Please refer product leaflet for more information).
Store in a dark place at between 20C and 80C. After reconstitution it should be protected from heat and used within two hours.
1000 doses